During your monitoring activities, you might face unanticipated safety and security situations. To help you minimize possible risks associated with your monitoring activity, this module will provide you with an overview of the key safety and security considerations to bear in mind in the context of assembly monitoring, with a particular emphasis on the duty of care, security risk management and preparation and planning.
In Module 4, you will:
● Understand terms such as safety, security, and security risk management
● Understand the key security and safety considerations to take into account when planning an assembly monitoring exercise and while on the ground, as well as the practical steps to take to mitigate security risks
● Recognize the importance of exercising situational awareness at all times and planning for contingencies
● Understand what pepper spray and tear gas are and identify the risks associated with their use in the context of assemblies
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Main takeaways:
✓ Security refers to risk of harm resulting from deliberate acts, while safety pertains to risk of harm deriving from unintentional acts.
✓ Safety and security are assembly monitors’ individual responsibility. When planning for an assembly monitoring deployment, monitors should prepare for contingencies in case the situation on the ground deteriorates and be ready to respond, including by developing an effective incident response plan and ensuring that they are properly trained and equipped.
✓ Monitors must exercise situational awareness at all times. Namely, they should be aware of their whereabouts, who is around them, what is taking place in their proximity and what actions to take if the situation deteriorates.
✓ In preparation of and during the monitoring exercise, monitors should keep in mind some key safety and security considerations: their physical fitness and mobility, the mapping of exit routes, how they should team up, what clothing they should opt for, and how to keep communication channels open with other monitors.
✓ Security risk management is an ongoing process that should be applied throughout all stages of assembly monitoring deployment. Security measures may vary depending on the circumstances and context in which the assembly takes place.
✓ Monitors should ensure that they undertake the necessary steps to carefully prepare and safely conduct a monitoring exercise.
✓ Pepper spray and tear gas are non-lethal weapons designed to deter individuals by producing temporary effects, such as eyes, nose and skin irritation. Law enforcement might use them in the policing of assemblies, for example to disperse crowds or subdue individuals. These chemical irritants can cause temporary pain and discomfort. Monitors should try to avoid exposure, whenever possible, especially if they suffer from underlying health conditions.
Before moving on to the quiz, we recommend you to review the main takeaways of this module, and to check the additional resources provided under the “Materials” tab above
Recommended resources:
● OSCE/ODIHR Handbook on Monitoring Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Second Edition, “III.3. Security risk assessment” and “III.4. Deployment plan”.
● OSCE/ODIHR Guide on Law Enforcement Equipment Most Commonly Used in the Policing of Assemblies. “5. Chemical Irritants (including tear gas and pepper spray)”.