Starlight Stadium: Meet the Team
Starlight Stadium commenced development in 2018: since then, many human rights defenders, game developers, and others have passionately contributed towards the game in many forms. In order to create a human rights game, it was necessary to draw upon the expertise of professionals from many dimensions with varied backgrounds – as a result, the game embodies the principles and values of all who contributed towards it.

The game development process was horizontal, improvisational and extremely collaborative; as such we are not assigning job titles to the team members below. As many people contributed towards the development of Starlight Stadium, they have been divided here into various groups. The Core Team consisted of human rights professionals, game developers, script writers and artists who developed the core features of the game across years of conceptualisations, workshops and testing. The Enabling Team facilitated the core team’s work through administrative support, project coordination, funding management, and so on. The core team relied on advice and expertise from the Advisory Working Group, consisting of human rights defenders from across the OSCE region, whose input on the human rights content of the game proved invaluable. Finally, we benefited from the various input from the Contributors who provided support and expertise in different stages of development.
Core Development Team

Mattia Bastianelli Gambini
All Episodes

Rachel Bernstein
Episodes 1 and 2

Marine Constant
All Episodes

Spencer Evans
All Episodes

Matt Haselton
Episodes 1, 3 and 4

Christina Kelly
Episodes 2, 3 and 4

Tyler Law
All Episodes

Josefine Maier
Episodes 2 and 3

David Mark
Episodes 1 and 2

Johanna Pruessing
Episode 2
with thanks to
Brianna Haley
Episodes 1 and 4
Andrew Sodroski
Episode 2
Emmy Wahlbäck
Episode 2
Enabling Team

Omer Fisher

Andrew Gardner

Francesco Marrella

Nuriya Sherzodova
with thanks to
Joanna Kowalczyk
Advisory Working Group

Claire Falconer

Viesta Gunchenko

Mukhbira Jaborova

András Léderer

Laura Ligouri

Nino Macharashvili

Helena Manrique

Sarah Moulton

Johanna Pruessing
with thanks to
Keith Hiatt

Kerem Çiftçioğlu

Polina Georgescu

Beatrice Grasso

Zilola Imomova

Elton Kërçiku

Mafalda Matias

Angelica Notaristefano

Natalia Peshkova

Naduah Wheeler
with thanks to
Alexander Alekseev
A main part of the game development process consisted of testing different versions of the episodes, and soliciting and implementing feedback from the testing sessions.
Feedback from testers proved invaluable; thus it is imperative to extend strong gratitude to the vast group of human rights defenders, students, co-workers, and friends who tested the game and imparted their feedback.
Thank you!